URL: www.planchers-comey.fr
Company: COMEY SAS
head office: Rue Gutenberg - 89500 Villeneuve sur Yonne
Siret/Siren: 950 378 992
RCS Sens n° 950 378 992 000 24
Tel: +33 (0)3 86 87 60 60 Fax: +33 (0)3 86 96 51 90
Email: contact@comey.fr
Aim of the site: Presentation of COMEY services and raised access floors
Responsible for legal matters: Marc BELBENOIT
Editorial manager, webmaster: Patrice VIALLE
Text and design : MIX MC
Photographs (non-contractual): Jupiter Images, Jean-Pierre Attal, Xavier Boymond
The site includes:
- Information
- Catalogue, data bases
- Collection of personal contact information online
Data protection and civil liberties law
The site is subject to a declaration to the National Commission for Data Protection and Civil Liberties. You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete your personal data (art. 34 of the Data protection and civil liberties law). If you wish to exercise this right, contact us on contact@comey.fr
The site and the information it contains are protected by French intellectual property laws and by international agreements. The site (or its content) may not be copied, republished, rewritten, modified or reissued without prior written permission from the beneficiaries (this does not concern use within the family circle or private use).
This standard legal notice was designed by Ideal Productions. Its use is subject to authorisation by Ideal Productions in accordance with French legislation regarding intellectual property. All copies must be authorised, must mention ownership and must display a link with the website www.idealprod.fr.